A new way to reach travellers nearby.

Bringing our users special offers as well as driving more traffic to our affiliates. Reach 90,000+ backpackers by sending nearby push notifications with your offers.

Downloads in the last month alone
Users in over 170 countries
Exclusive offers on our app worldwide

Changing the way you communicate

You offer an exclusive for backpackrs and it’s displayed as its own page on our application. Offers can range from discounted prices to free meals or drinks. It’s up to you what you offer as an incentive. A backpacker books directly on your website or shows the app in person to receive their offer.

How much is it?

As of right now it's free!

What we need

A description of your product and the exclusive you wish to offer. The address of where it is located and three high quality images of your product.

How it works for users

When a new user signs up for Backpackr they are asked to select the exclusive offers that appeal to them. A user can easily toggle different offers on and off in their settings.


Once a Backpackr is within a radius of an offer they are notified on the application.

Interactive Map

All offers available in the area can be viewed on an interactive map.

How much?



  • No limits on accounts
  • Unlimited exclusives
  • Nearby push notifications to users
Get Started

Note.The "accounts" indicates how many accounts you can have. In other words if you have two business, you can only use one for the free version.

Promote your business to our users!

Once you make an account we can help you set up the offer with images, links, emails if needed!

Get started now!